Saturday, June 24, 2006

Early AM Horseback Ride

Friday, June 23, 2006
Amy was on Casper, Scott on Jed, bringing up the rear of the column (“bear bait,” joked the ranch hands) except for John, the Mule Shoe Outfitters wrangler. Scott and Jed reached an understanding early on: neither one of us wanted to fall off the edge of the trail. Scott let Jed pick his path and things were fine until we passed a large group of hikers with walking sticks. Jed and walking sticks don’t get along, it seems. After a few moments of panic on the part of nearly all involved , including Jed (think large beast, 3-ft wide path, sharp dropoff), John dismounted, led Jed past the group and we were on our way again. Casper was a sure-footed steed who liked his space. He and Jed bickered soundlessly for much of the trip as Jed seemed to prefer close personal contact. It was a nice, scenic two-hour ride through Cracker Flats (named, we're sure, for something but since our guide - 10 horses up - was inaudible it's still a mystery). We were both very sore upon dismounting. We blame the altitude.


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