What's this "blog" thing everyone talks about?
Hi everyone. This is Scott attempting to drag his @$$ into the 21st century and try out this "blog" thing. If it works as planned, we may use this for our trip out West.
Here's an overview of our journey: June 17 we fly to Denver, CO. We had a great flight planned but the times got altered a bit so now we have quite a layover in Dallas. Might give us time to watch the USA Italy World Cup match. (Assuming I can figure out the time difference between Germany and Dallas.)
Anyway, when we get to Denver, we're renting a car (something fuel efficient we hope) and driving straight to the nearest WalMart superstore. There we will buy a small cooler and some supplies. Then we'll make for Rocky Mountain National Park for our first night.
We will travel up the eastern edge of Wyoming into Montana, cut across to Glacier National Park and head southward back to Denver passing through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons along the way. We're flying back on July 3. Not enough time to see everything there is but we'll do what we can.
We hope to see sites like this:

And this:

And we’re planning to buy a National Parks Pass at the first opportunity as well since we’ll be getting to a number of places where we can use it. The passes are a good deal: $50 and they’re valid for one year from the first use of the pass.
So feel free to come along for the ride. I've no idea how often we'll be able to post but we'll do our best. It'll depend on how easy it is to find wi-fi (preferably free) en route.
Large areas, protected lands, beautiful scenery, each starts with Y. Have you ever seen them both at the same cocktail party?
Yeah. I screwed up. That's why we're checkin' these places out ourselves.
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