Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Yellowstone: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: Elk, Mule Deer, Uinta Ground Squirrels, Coyote, Bison, Black Bear, Wolf and pups playing, Osprey, Geothermal Wonders.
The Bad: Park is so large (the size of Delaware and Rhode Islandcombined) it’s hard to get to anything, including the ranger programs.

The Ugly: Massive overdevelopment including: enormous hotel complexes in the park, traffic jams to get into the park and clogged roadways in the park, rumble strips and speed zones. Souvenir hunters have destroyed petrified trees (the remaining one is fenced and locked in) and taken all the obsidian from obsidian cliff, and people get too darn close to the animals.


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