Monday, June 19, 2006

Musings from RMNP

Last night it got cold. Scott didn’t sleep all that well. He kept waking up and putting on more clothing. At least we were prepared for the weather. One thing that struck him as odd during his many wakings was the utter lack of sound outside. No peepers. No crickets. No coyotes. Just a distant rock slide, getting louder. Ok, ok it was the wind. But he was slightly panicked there for a moment. And as windy as it was high in the trees, our tent was calm.

It is very dry around here. Have we mentioned this before? Forest fire danger signs are everywhere. So far we have avoided making national news. But then again, we’re still living in the Stone Age. We did buy hot dogs and a lighter, though, so I suspect this will be the trip where we discover fire.

The dry weather may or may not have anything to do with the fact that we have experienced almost no mosquitoes. A definite improvement from what we left behind! Scott did have to use some insect repellent at our campsite tonight, though, a more woodsy location in the Medicine Bow National Forest (Yellow Pine Campground). So far, we have seen no poison ivy.

We seem to be adjusting to the time change well. The computer clock reads 9:17 PM right now (it’s still set for EST) as we sit at The Overland Café in Laramie, WY typing this. We’re hungry but not 9 PM hungry.


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