Monday, June 19, 2006


We’ve seen two types of very large birds. The first was on a large pile of stones next to a parked car. Scott thought it was a small child playing in the rocks. Turned out to be a raven. The white winged bird swooping around was a magpie. Apparently, those have been known to swipe sausage from campsite frying pans. We’ve also spotted a couple of marmot on Trail Ridge Road through RMNP. One ham posed for the camera.

Later on the same road we spotted some elk. Couldn’t stop there, though. It was one of those “don’t look down” stretches. We stopped off on the Coyote Trail for a “hike.” Seeing as how we’re both a bit gimpy still we decided to take the easy route. A mile long trail, flat ground. Rounded the first corner and spotted an entire herd of elk. They all had antlers which confused us. Do female elk have antlers? What for? If not, what the heck were a bunch of guys hanging out together for? Elk mafia?


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